For those of you not lucky enough to have a state organization that recognizes schooling shows (VHSA Associate side in Va is a really good one), there is a new organization being formed by some very reputable judges and great horse people. It's the Open Horse Show Association and right now they are running a special for regular membership, it's only $15. I'm going to sponsor an award and several others have already thrown their support in the ring too. Their website is not complete but they've been adding to it almost daily.
Please check it out at Open Horse Show Association
And something was brought to my attention a little ways back and I completely forgot to address it. No organization, author, training practices, farms, shows, registries and the like that I 'endorse' openly on this blog, has paid me with any form of renumeration, monetary or otherwise. Not that anyone thinks I have enough clout to pay me to post a great review of their book or show, etc but I did get an email with something along those lines in it. I haven't read everything but I've found some books to be really good and helpful so I pass along the suggestion. That's all this opinion and my interpretation of rules that horse shows use as guidelines. I don't always write about judging but then that's the horse show world. I judge, I show, I own horses. I do very little instructing and training because I like to judge better and don't want a conflict of interest to arise while officiating. That could be disastrous!
If you have something, a training aid, book, suggestion, etc, that you think could be of great help, please chime in! Oh and check out the OHSA if you show at local schooling shows.
4 hours ago
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I am just one judge with one judge's opinion. Almost all of the classes I judge are based on the rules of USEF & AQHA. Judging a horse show is very subjective to the interpretation of the rules. Please keep this in mind when commenting.